Test for Tendency Toward Social Risk

5 minutes

Are you a risk-taker? How willing are you to bear losses for potential success? The test for susceptibility to social risk will help you assess your level of risk-taking in the realm of social relationships.

Evaluating your level of risk-taking is important in everyday life, when choosing a profession, and selecting a workplace. A person with high social risk-taking tendencies often brings about unpleasant consequences through their actions that require efforts to resolve: entering conflict situations, losing jobs, missing flights... Such an individual is unlikely to succeed in professions involving people, as these require prudence, organization, and thoughtfulness in behavior. Moreover, in ordinary life, being around such a person isn't easy – they are always "sparking" and pose a threat not only to their own well-being but also to the well-being of those around them.

The full version of the test consists of three parts:

You can fill out either one of the tests or all three.

A person who takes risks in one area doesn't necessarily take risks in another: a cautious individual in social interactions might be a daring gambler or a fearless mountaineer. However, in comparison to others, one's ranking in terms of risk-taking tends to remain relatively consistent – some are more risk-prone while others are more cautious. Riskiness is a fairly stable personality trait, though it manifests differently in various areas of life.

Designed for quick self-assessment, this test can be used for express diagnostics by psychologists, psychotherapists, and recruiters. It consists of 21 items, each with three answer options.

Test author: Testodrom.