Test of Professional Burnout

5 minutes

The test determines the level of professional burnout. It is intended for quick self-assessment and can be used for express diagnostics by psychologists, psychotherapists, and recruiters. It consists of 20 items, each with three answer options.

What is professional burnout? It is a state that arises as a result of chronic work-related stress that a person can no longer cope with. The main symptoms of professional burnout include:

The symptoms of professional burnout gradually accumulate; in the initial phase, they are often confused with accumulated emotional and physical fatigue, which can pass after a good rest. Getting rid of professional burnout with a simple vacation is not possible, as its causes depend not only on your personal characteristics but also on the organization's work style:

The signs of increasing professional burnout are often not noticed. The test results will help you determine your level of professional burnout – low, moderate, or high. It may make you reconsider whether you should hold onto your current job.

In each item, choose the most appropriate answer for you. Respond to the questions quickly, without overthinking. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers.

Test author: Testodrom.