The Political Orientation Test

5 minutes

The Political Orientation Test is designed to provide you with a better understanding of your political inclinations. It serves as a quick self-assessment tool, allowing you to identify your position within a hypothetical political space. The test consists of 20 items and can be used for express diagnostics of political orientations, either individually or in a group.

In the world, there are numerous political parties and movements that can be confusing to navigate. However, they can be categorized into groups and placed within the space of political orientations using two main axes: personal freedoms and economic freedoms. This descriptive approach, without making value judgments about what is good or bad, was first introduced by American politician and founder of the Libertarian Party, David Nolan.

Each axis describes basic political orientations and has two poles. Supporters of radical, strongly expressed views (parties, political regimes) are located at the poles, while others occupy intermediate positions.

The axis of personal and individual freedoms has two poles:

The axis of economic freedoms has two poles:

Thanks to Nolan's approach, anyone can determine their political position more accurately. The Basic Political Orientations Test will show you where you stand in the political spectrum and which political parties' ideologies align with your views.

For illustration, a modified Nolan Chart, also known as the Political Compass, is provided. The dashed line in the middle represents the zone of centrist views. For more details, refer to the test results.

The Political Compass by Nolan Chart
Test author: Testodrom.