Jealousy test

5 minutes

Jealousy has destroyed many strong unions, eroding the fabric of human relationships. Are you jealous? Take the test to find out if you can be called a jealous person. The test is designed for quick self-assessment and consists of 20 statements.

How does a jealous person behave and why? A jealous individual behaves like an owner who seeks to control their partner's life, confining their behavior within strict boundaries that cannot be crossed. Any violation of these internal boundaries, created in the jealous person's imagination, generates strong emotions like sadness, anger, or doubts about being loved and valued. The root of jealousy lies in a sense of inadequacy, lack of self-assurance, and diminished self-esteem. To continually nourish their sense of importance, a jealous person creates dependency within the relationship with their partner and tries to validate it in various ways. This is a dead-end path.

Based on the test results, you will be able to determine whether your level of jealousy is high or low. Pathological jealousy, involving displays of severe physical violence, masochism, and other distorted forms of interaction with a partner, is not considered in this test.

Answer quickly, remembering that there are no right or wrong answers. Carefully read each statement and evaluate how much you agree with it, choosing one of the four response options.

Test author: Testodrom.