Impulsivity is a personality trait that manifests in hasty decisions, actions, and statements. Such actions are often impulsive, mistaken, and lead to undesirable consequences. This trait is not related to intelligence level; both intelligent and less intelligent individuals can exhibit impulsivity. Impulsivity can negatively impact professional success and interpersonal relationships – with family members, colleagues, and friends. The level of impulsivity is linked to temperament and the nervous system, making it challenging to change. However, it's possible to gain control over it by avoiding "act first, think later" behavior. This test will help you better understand yourself and potentially make changes if needed.
Based on the test results, you will learn whether you have a high or low level of impulsivity. Answer quickly, and remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Carefully read each statement and choose the response that best fits you out of the three options provided.
The test is designed for quick self-assessment and can be used for individual or group express diagnostics by educators, recruiters, psychologists, and psychotherapists. It consists of 20 items.