Altruism test

3 minutes

What is altruism? Altruism is the ability to act selflessly to help other people. An altruist does not seek personal gain when performing good deeds. They take the problems of others to heart and set aside their own interests for the sake of others. Altruists are willing to invest their time, energy, and other resources to help other people. When helping others, altruists sometimes even sacrifice their own health and lives, as parents do when saving their children, for example.

The opposite of altruism is egoism, a disregard for the interests of others. An egoist primarily thinks about themselves and their goals; they are not interested in expending effort to help others. An egoist is indifferent to the fact that someone nearby needs help and support; they have their own concerns at the forefront. While altruism is nurtured from childhood and is approved of by society, egoism, on the other hand, is condemned. Egoists do not command respect, and people tend to avoid them.

By taking the test, you will learn your level of altruism. The results will help you understand whether altruism or egoism is stronger in you. Perhaps it's worth making some changes within yourself?

The altruism test is designed for a quick self-assessment and consists of 20 items. It can be used for express diagnostics by psychologists, educators, social workers, and recruiters.

Test author: Testodrom.